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Peel Hall Primary School

Inclusion & Family Support

Our dedicated Inclusion Team works tirelessly to identify and coordinate support to meet the individual needs of our children. This support is developed collaboratively with parents, carers, and outside agencies and extends beyond the child to their families as well.

Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH) Development

We understand that the Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH) development of our children is fundamental to their learning. To support this, we have a team of committed Learning Mentors who work closely with identified children, helping them:

  • Develop friendships.
  • Build confidence and self-esteem.
  • Promote positive behaviour. 

Our Learning Mentors also run a Quiet Lunch program, offering children a calm space to enjoy their meals, away from the busy dining hall environment.

Building Coping and Resilience Skills

We aim to teach all our children effective coping and self-regulation strategies to help them manage stress and anxiety. By fostering these skills, we hope to:

Prepare them to face learning challenges and life’s difficulties with resilience.
Encourage persistence and problem-solving when tackling tricky tasks.

Professional Support for Children and Families

For children who need additional support, we work with professionals, including:

  • Mrs. Trimmingham, our school therapist, who provides weekly support to children and their families.
  • We’re excited to be involved with a new ‘healthy schools’ partnership programme this year with TLC (Talk, Listen, Change). TLC is a charity who strive for everyone in their reach to enjoy personal resilience and benefit from positive relationships. 

Supporting Families with Free Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

We recognise the importance of supporting our families as part of supporting our children. With this we offer a FREE Fresh Fruit and Vegetable stall every Friday, in partnership with Tesco’s Stronger Starts Fruit & Veg for Schools Initiative, a £4 million initiative, part of Tesco’s Stronger Starts programme, that aims to improve children’s access to healthy, nutritious food. It focuses on schools and pupils in areas that may benefit from extra support, providing a valuable resource for families.

Wood Street Mission

We are also proud to be working with Wood Street Mission to support families during these challenging times. For more information, please follow the link provided on this page to visit their website. Additionally, you can refer to the letter on this page for details about how the school can offer further support.

Together, we can help make a difference for families in need.