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Peel Hall Primary School


Peel Hall is a two-form entry primary school, with a non-teaching Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) and two non- classed based Deputy Head Teachers.  In addition to our experienced Senior Leadership Team, Peel Hall also boasts a specialist SEN teacher, two Learning Mentors, two Inclusion and Well-being mentors and two EHCP Intervention Specialists.

The catchment area for Peel Hall is varied and this is therefore reflected in our pupil intake. Over recent years our staff have worked tirelessly to build and promote the success of the SEND provision at Peel Hall and as a result the number of SEND pupils now on roll has increased significantly, with around 38% of pupils on roll being either monitored as a SEND concern or forming part of the SEND register.

At Peel Hall, we endeavour to empower pupils, provide them with opportunities to develop and to enable them to become the best that they can be, irrespective of their individual learning difficulties. This is done in consultation with The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice, (COP), (2014), The Equality Act (2010), The Children and Families Act (2014), the Local Authority and correlating internal school policies.

Our SENDCo is Miss Walker.

We now have a dedicated SEND email address. If you are the parent of an SEND child or professional working with a child at Peel Hall please use the email address below and we will be in contact:
