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Peel Hall Primary School


In order to go further than we thought possible and to run faster than we hoped, it is essential that our pupils are present.  It is only by working together that we can achieve greatness.

At Peel Hall we believe that the regular attendance of each and every pupil is vital. Regular attendance allows each child to have access to an education that they are entitled to by law and, as a school, we insist on high levels of attendance and punctuality.

Registration is at 8:55am and children can enter school from 8:45am.

Important Contacts

Name Role
Mrs Dyson Safeguarding & Inclusions Officer
Mrs Munro Learning Mentor
Mrs Phenix Learning Mentor


Illness & Medical Appointments

If a student is absent from school for any reason parents / carers are required to contact the school office on each day of the absence before 9am.  You can inform school of your child's absence by telephone: 0161 790 4641 or SeeSaw.

Medical appointments are to be made outside of the school day where possible.  It is expected that pupils attend school before and after any appointments.

Late Attendance

School doors open at 8:45am.  All doors close at 9am.  If a pupil arrives after 9am they must enter school through the office; a reason for lateness is expected to be given.

Importance of Punctuality in students:

  • Builds a more self-confident person
  • Punctuality builds successful students
  • Punctuality builds discipline from a young age
  • Punctuality builds strength of character
  • Punctuality helps build mutual respect
  • Punctuality shows you will be a dependable employee


Holidays during term time will not be authorised unless there are extenuating circumstances and then only at the discretion of the head teacher. All requests for leave must be in writing, forms are available from the school office. 

Fixed penalty notices are £120 per parent per child, reducing to £60 if paid within 21 days of the notice being issued. School will apply for a fixed penalty notice after 5 days unauthorised absence (10 sessions).

School Procedure

If a pupil is persistently late to school a letter will be sent home in the first instance.  If the lateness continues, parents will be invited into school for a meeting to put a support plan in place.

Our school attendance target is 96%.  If a pupil falls below the target, a letter will be sent home advising parents and offering support to ensure the pupil is accessing education as much as possible.  If attendance does not improve a meeting will be held between school and parents to put an action plan together of ways attendance can be improved.

A local authority penalty notice can be sent to parents not supporting their child’s school attendance.